PaulBSD October ‘24 updates Here are some news about me and my platform Current plaform tools ipbl / ipblc / k8s / dip / etc. -> business as usual DNS I’m currently serving requests of domains I own using dnsdist / powerdns / gdnsd. Those tools are awesome because powerful, pluggable and are coming with great out-of-the-box features. Life Vacations I went to Thailand in August, it’s the farest, greatest trip of my life. ...
PaulBSD December '23 updates
PaulBSD December ‘23 updates (xmas) Please apologies for the delay, few things to say with this post FOSDEM 2024 I’m going to Brussels on February to the FOSDEM, it’s been a long time ago I’d want to be there to have fun and see something newer on open-source software / technologies / ham radio / hacking and some belgian beer ! It will be a pretty good time (I hope) to have talk to someone like me who enjoys new techs and going futher on them. ...
PaulBSD August '22 updates
PaulBSD August ‘22 updates After 2 years with no news, there was time to deliver some news and updates about PaulBSD platform and software. Infrastructure machines Starting in late 2020, instances in Scaleway were migrated to the Contabo which is a german hosting service based in Nurnberg, DE for its primary site and in the US. It delivers for PaulBSD a reliable instance (now 2 years without any downtime) for a relatively low price: ...
PaulBSD migration from Scaleway to Proxmox
PaulBSD migration from Scaleway to Proxmox As announced by Scaleway on April 16th, ARM instances will EOL on end 2020. PaulBSD infrastructure is based on one ARM64-8GB instance since 1 year with focus to migrate all in house applications. So it was decided to migrate to Proxmox solution at home. For reaching this goal, a new Intel NUC7i5BNH has been checked out on April. Some of it specs below : ...
NetBSD 9.0 update
NetBSD 9.0 update As the new major release of NetBSD being rolled, PaulBSD upgraded legacy production in Normandy to NetBSD 9.0 which provides new fun features as below : Hardware accelerated virtualization based on NVMM New version of NPF for packet filtering New ARM based boards Stable ZFS implementation Full changelog is available here As said in the past, services hosted on NetBSD legacy hardware will be migrated on both amd64 and arm64 cloud instances at Scaleway. ...
PaulBSD Web Services
PaulBSD Web Services provides many services like : Websites hosting Virtual services housing Free consulting exchange against Beers and “Apéro” ! Web cloud services like Nextcloud and git accounts Inspection and report of spamming/phishing or generally abusing sites Legal reverse-engineering of abusing proprietary solutions to be replaced by open solution All consulting services can be provided in Normandy (available in English or French) and websites housing can be provided in any cloud platforms ...
PaulBSD Infrastructure
PaulBSD Infrastructure is a mixed infrastructure made of on-premise part based in Normandy, and cloud instances made upon in Amsterdam / object storage in Paris. PaulBSD infrastructure main regions are : Caen (Legacy production) Saint-Lô (Backups) Amsterdam (Production) Paris (Object storage) Up to 80% of the applications are managed by SaltStack, some in-house applications / scripts / tools written in Python 3 and Golang for back services, and HTML/CSS/JS on front services. ...